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About us

Elogic delivers innovative IT infrastructure and services that integrate state of the art technologies. Our advanced digitalization create sustainable solutions for maximized value and return on investment.
Our experts associate with customers to optimize their resources and realize the full potential of their assets and requirements, creating strategic solutions that add efficiency, flexibility, and responsibility to the operations.

We offer cost effective and cutting edge solutions for Mining Industry, Education and Healthcare engaging our certified experienced resources and global OE channel partnerships.


E-Logic Global is committed in providing quality products and services to all its stake holders. At E-Logic we believe in the mission “Collaborate, Innovate, Transform”, offering sustainable Information technology products and services.
This will be achieved through demonstrated quality, ethical behavior, client services and adherence to local and International standards.

Consistent with this policy Elogic will:

Corporate Social Responsibility

Any trade, non trade operations are controlled and structured to adhere with management’s following policies as a part of CSR initiatives

Efforts are being made to hire, train and promote local employees targeting the socio-economic development of the nationals where we operate.

Specific allocations are made during every financial audit and contributions are made in promoting health, hygiene and Education in the community.

High caution on environmental impacts are considered to reduce the carbon footprints as low as reasonably practical through segregation, reuse and recycle process.

Health, Safety and Environment


At every level of our organization, Safety is a vital component of our work culture. We do not take shortcuts when it comes to the safety of our employees or those around us. To guide us on our journey to be incident-free, we have a suite of programs embedded into our overall Quality and Performance management system.
Our HSE system includes:

Proper case studies and incident reviews are made to identify Hazards in each and every activities carefully monitoring the Standard Operating Procedures.

A Qualitative and Quantitative task risk assessments are made identifying the solutions at each level of operations

All the crews are trained for performing their duties safely reducing hazards in their day to day activities including but not limited to driving safety, hands and Fingers Injury hazards, Slips, trips and fall hazard.

Creating increased awareness regarding safety initiatives and the importance of behavior-based safety, we have significantly improved our proactive actions to reduce incidents and have further strengthened our safety culture

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